Recent content by a red box

  1. Model G-Wii CAD files

    Normally around 4 hours
  2. Worklog AWiiDA, my first wii portable (wii-themed ashida)

    Yes, you can use any 4 layer wii.
  3. 480 screen wiring diagram

    The definitive wii trimming guide has a diagram for wiring video and more. Just match the points on the wii to the silkscreen on the screen.
  4. Question Help with Wii VGA

    You will need to switch the screen from composite to vga. You can add a button to the source pad and press until the little box says vga. Also, the motherboard could use a little clean up. Another thing is I’m not sure if you’ve connected the mode pin to 3.3v but you gotta do that to make it...
  5. Question i need help pls

    By power do you mean u10, the LDO, or something else?
  6. Question Parts For Wii Micro

    I was looking for a barrel jack and power supply that are compatible with the Wii micro design, but couldn't find anything that would fit or was in stock. I was wondering if someone could tell me where they got their parts or supply a link. Thanks
  7. Discussion Ashida & G-Boy injection moulded shell expression of interest

    I’d be interested in a couple orange spice Ashida shell, and a red g-boy shell as well.
  8. Worklog First portable and first Ashida build

    Try wiring composite and make sure your u10 is solid. Also make sure to clean near the scw and sdw pads on the pms and everything else in general.
  9. Question Wii Trim RVLoader USB Issues

    If that doesn’t work, try downloading the Rvloader files again.
  10. Question Wii Trim RVLoader USB Issues

    Cleaning up those joints in the red, or moving them to the components might help. Probably not the issue, but worth a shot.
  11. G-wii Streams

    I'm pretty sure Noah took them with him when he retired.
  12. Question Shoulder button not functioning properly

    Thanks, will try your suggestions and get more pictures.
  13. Question Shoulder button not functioning properly

    My dual tact left trigger is kinda confusing me right now. The digital press just doesn’t work for some reason. I’ve checked continuity from the literal button to the controller board. Everything seems fine and should work, but it doesn’t. I’ve tested with different types of wire and even...
  14. Worklog My First Wii Portable, no name yet

    Shielding your video lines should help. Especially when wiring to the av port.
  15. Question Help with making a portable This link should go to the louii version 2 files(custom pcb's included). It also has a link to the BOM which should have every part you need to build the portable. Check the definitive wii trimming guide, and g-boy rev 3...