
  1. YveltalGriffin

    Board scan PSOne PM-41(2) Board Scan

    Quick and dirty 1200DPI PSOne PM-41(2) motherboard scans. The existing scans from the PCB Strip Club had scaling issues. 7964x6292 TIFFs and PNGs are included. GOOGLE DRIVE LINK
  2. YveltalGriffin

    Board scan Sega Dreamcast Controller (HKT-7700) PCB Scan

    Quick and dirty scans of the HKT-7700 Sega Dreamcast controller PCB. The existing public scans were not a known DPI and therefore unsuitable for reverse engineering. GOOGLE DRIVE LINK Folder includes 1200DPI TIFs (6629x4157px, 80MB each) and 600DPI JPGs. Preview images below are 600DPI JPGs.
  3. Stitches

    5 Inch Eyoyo Component Screen

    So there's this little 5 inch screen you can find on ebay by a company named "Eyoyo". This screen accepts 480p/480i/240p component in natively, which is dope. (No interlaced VGA tho, sadface) I put one in my AtarWii Liinx and it's so good! It has a few quirks to it that can make it hard to work...