vga issue

  1. ToxicBananaFish

    Solved G-Wii video settings off, need help to fix

    This was the best image that I was able to get to show the settings for my Wii. It's 480P outputting in VGA to a 640x480 screen with a 4:3 aspect ratio. For whatever reason, a small portion on the left side of the screen doesn't get used. I've looked at some other G-Wii builds and this doesn't...
  2. SartoZ

    Discussion Pal games not supporting progressive scan (blue/black screen)

    Hello euro fellows. You may notice that not all the games that you dumped in your portable works in vga mode, showing instead just a blue/black screen while the audio plays in the bg. That's because vga input works only in progressive scan format, which is a option natively supported by ntsc...
  3. ToxicBananaFish

    Question LUA System Error when using VGA

    I've just recently tackled the VGA for my G-Wii work in progress. When testing with composite, everything works completely fine, but when it is switched to VGA, I get an error saying that topbar.lua could not be found. I've checked the drive and the file is in path that it says it should be in...
  4. Solved RGB difficulty with Wii VGA

    I've been having difficulties with the RGB connections for my G-Wii's VGA. As it stands, my display looks like this: Here are the approximate resistances to GND for all 3 (both on the Wii and the screen board): R: 37.5 G: 75 B: 75 Based on what I've read, I think that means the G and B...
  5. Soak_n_fused

    Question Help with driver board

    Ok so I'm building an Ashida and I'm having a video issue, but I think that's due to me not patching in VGA when I installed RVLoader, I was wondering if anyone knows how to switch the display over to composite so I can see if everything is wired correctly. I bought the 5" IPS display and driver...
  6. RedEnergy

    Solved No VGA signal

    I’m trying to switch from AV to VGA but the only thing i get is a blue screen. I tried to check if the wires were connected correctly, and it looks like they are. But when the wires are connected to the wii and the display driver, the tester tells me that all the RGB wires are shorted to the GND...
  7. TropicPug

    Question Wii VGA Resolution Issues

    Hi all, Been having issues with wiring up VGA to my portable. When VGA is enabled, the image is dramatically too small horizontally, and looks incredibly squished. 480i signal over AV becomes extremely shaky, awful and really hurts the eyes. I haven't messed around with any of the LCD board...
  8. Benge

    Solved Problem with VGA patch on BBloader

    Hi all, I really need some help i dont understand why the VGA patch is not working for me :rothink: I have plan to use VGA on my O-Wii, but after installing BBloader and activate the VGA nothing apears O.o I have tried many times to make it work, I have checked my connections several times, the...