BitBuilt Forum Changes & Launch of BitBuilt Manuals


Jan 16, 2016
The World Wide Web
Hi Everyone,

As I'm sure you all noticed the forums were down for a bit over a day. We used this time to move over to a new VPS that can handle the increased traffic we've had as of late as well as allowing us to grow a bit in the future before needing another upgrade. However, as you may be aware, during this time we also moved over to XenForo 2, a newer iteration of the forum software we've been using since 2016. While a few things have changed and we've lost some features such as the arcade, the benefits definitely outweigh the costs in this case. We will be able to use this upgrade to offer newer and better features than we've had before, starting with the Discord integration:


If you go under your account by clicking on your username at the top of the screen, you'll notice a new "Connected accounts" section. This page will allow you to log-in to and connect your Discord account with your forum account. Doing things will automatically give you your forum rank on the Discord server, as well as allow you to receive push notifications for things like private messages. When you receive a PM on the forums, the BitBuiltBot will send you a DM on Discord with a link to your PM and who messaged you. It's a great way to quickly message someone on the forums, as you don't need to wait around for an email to know when someone has replied to your conversation.

At the top right of the forums you'll notice a few new options as well. We've done away with the "wide" themes as the newer platform allows users to toggle between fixed and fluid width for their forums experience. You can also toggle other features such as flipping the side bar to the left, having the sidebar be sticky, and a few others as well. You may notice there's also now a quick toggle for the dark theme as well. We hope that you enjoy these new additions to the forums as it should make the experience of using the forums that much better.

The BitBuilt front page is also now directly integrated into the forums. You can leave comments on front page posts right through your forum account. It makes interacting with that portion of the possible without the annoyance of needing an additional account to log-in to.

We'll be tweaking the theme as time goes on to make minor improvements, so if you have any suggestions please let us know!

This next update is a big one. Along with the G-Boy Rev 3 assembly guide we've launched a new site; BitBuilt Manuals. This site will be housing manuals that are more in-depth than anything we've produced before. Each of these manuals will break down the process they are explaining into very detailed steps. The G-Boy guide, for example, is a step-by-step manual for how to assemble that portable. The Wii OMGWTF Trimming Guide will walk you through the process of trimming your wii and even has videos to help you further understand the process.

This project has been in the pipeline since last year and it's wonderful to finally see it complete with the information released for everyone to enjoy. The site is totally custom and was all made in-house, so we can take it in whatever direction will best benefit the community. We'll be adding more guides to this platform as the year goes on and will be making feature improvements as well. Although there are currently only two guides available, there is A LOT of information within them, so click on the "Manuals" link at the top of the forums to head on over there and start reading.

Thanks everyone for your support. Whether you've bought something from the store, registered on the forums, or even just think our little community is cool, we do what we do because of you and because of our shared passion for the craft.

Feel free to discuss the update and leave your suggestions here!

-The BitBuilt Team