BitBuilt, the new forum and information warehouse is now live. We have been working for over a month and a half to develop a new platform for portablizers and console enthusiasts alike that will change the way console information is presented to all. With the Wiki and forum together, we aim to become the world’s largest repository of console information and guides.
BitBuilt has a forum where you can discuss projects, ask questions, and even buy and sell to and from other members. The forums are the core of BitBuilt, being the part that brings all of the site together. With the power of XenForo, the forums are the best way to discuss portablizing and console mods. We have added several plugins that will allow for easier presentation of information. All of the guides hosted on the forums will be automatically posted under the user “BitBuiltBot” so if you’d like to find all of the guides in one simple click, just search for all posts made by that account.
On the forums we’d like to have one simple rule to follow for images:
Host your images on BitBuilt!
In the past, other forums have lost information due to bad image hosts taking down images be it because of traffic or simply being old. With BitBuilt, we’d like to prevent this from happening in the future. To do this, we have enabled image uploading for the site. All of your images can be hosted here with no problem. The maximum image size for uploads will be 10mb. If you need to upload something bigger (ex. Wii board scans) just let any staff member know. All staff members have access to unlimited upload size, including Information Staff. Whilst we are allowing uploads to the site it would be preferred if images hosted on BitBuilt were only used on-site. Linking to other forums that get a lot of traffic might cause issues with BitBuilt’s network capabilities, and that’s something that can be addressed later if need be.
The forums are also equipped with thread tagging and prefixes. This will allow for a neat and clean layout under the forums. By clicking on any thread’s prefix, it will display threads with only that prefix applied. For exmaple, if you wanted to see all worklogs under the GameCube forum, you could simply click on a thread with the “Worklog” prefix and it would display only worklogs.
If you have any questions regarding any of the forum’s features, feel free to contact a staff member and they will get back to you as soon as possible.
BitBuilt Wiki
One of BitBuilt’s main goals as a site is to house the world’s largest information database on all console mods and portables. To do this, we have decided to use a very universal format: a wiki. BitBuilt’s Wiki is based around consoles. Each console already has or will soon be getting it’s own page. Within these pages will be board scans, schematics, guides, diagrams, and so much more. The wiki is going to be where most people point to for information or for reference. As some people noticed, the Guide Hub is also present on the forum. The guide hub is for more in-depth guides that don’t really deserve their own wiki page or cover too many concepts to grant one page. We will be using both the Guide Hub and the Console Modding Wiki to ensure that our userbase has access to the world’s largest repository of information on consoles.
The wiki is only editable by BitBuilt staff members which include Administrators, Moderators, and Information Staff members. Whilst we trust our community deeply, we simply want what is best for them. It is quite easy for spam bots to sign up for MediaWiki accounts and spam the site with useless ads. We also don’t want others to be able to edit the pages for sake of preservation. If just anyone was able to edit pages, they could simply wipe our entire wiki away. We will be looking for trustworthy users and will be granting them editing access as well.
If you’ve got a guide or other information you want to be posted to the wiki, simply post it under the “Guide Submissions” forum under “Console Modding” over on the forums.
Final Thoughts
Within the coming weeks, the wiki and Guide Hub will be quickly filling up. We hope to see this huge collection of information go to good use. We can’t wait to see what kind of new portables and other mods the community comes up with. We will also be doing write-ups on featured projects on our main site.
We’ll see you on the forums!
~The staff
BitBuilt has a forum where you can discuss projects, ask questions, and even buy and sell to and from other members. The forums are the core of BitBuilt, being the part that brings all of the site together. With the power of XenForo, the forums are the best way to discuss portablizing and console mods. We have added several plugins that will allow for easier presentation of information. All of the guides hosted on the forums will be automatically posted under the user “BitBuiltBot” so if you’d like to find all of the guides in one simple click, just search for all posts made by that account.
On the forums we’d like to have one simple rule to follow for images:
Host your images on BitBuilt!
In the past, other forums have lost information due to bad image hosts taking down images be it because of traffic or simply being old. With BitBuilt, we’d like to prevent this from happening in the future. To do this, we have enabled image uploading for the site. All of your images can be hosted here with no problem. The maximum image size for uploads will be 10mb. If you need to upload something bigger (ex. Wii board scans) just let any staff member know. All staff members have access to unlimited upload size, including Information Staff. Whilst we are allowing uploads to the site it would be preferred if images hosted on BitBuilt were only used on-site. Linking to other forums that get a lot of traffic might cause issues with BitBuilt’s network capabilities, and that’s something that can be addressed later if need be.
The forums are also equipped with thread tagging and prefixes. This will allow for a neat and clean layout under the forums. By clicking on any thread’s prefix, it will display threads with only that prefix applied. For exmaple, if you wanted to see all worklogs under the GameCube forum, you could simply click on a thread with the “Worklog” prefix and it would display only worklogs.
If you have any questions regarding any of the forum’s features, feel free to contact a staff member and they will get back to you as soon as possible.
BitBuilt Wiki
One of BitBuilt’s main goals as a site is to house the world’s largest information database on all console mods and portables. To do this, we have decided to use a very universal format: a wiki. BitBuilt’s Wiki is based around consoles. Each console already has or will soon be getting it’s own page. Within these pages will be board scans, schematics, guides, diagrams, and so much more. The wiki is going to be where most people point to for information or for reference. As some people noticed, the Guide Hub is also present on the forum. The guide hub is for more in-depth guides that don’t really deserve their own wiki page or cover too many concepts to grant one page. We will be using both the Guide Hub and the Console Modding Wiki to ensure that our userbase has access to the world’s largest repository of information on consoles.
The wiki is only editable by BitBuilt staff members which include Administrators, Moderators, and Information Staff members. Whilst we trust our community deeply, we simply want what is best for them. It is quite easy for spam bots to sign up for MediaWiki accounts and spam the site with useless ads. We also don’t want others to be able to edit the pages for sake of preservation. If just anyone was able to edit pages, they could simply wipe our entire wiki away. We will be looking for trustworthy users and will be granting them editing access as well.
If you’ve got a guide or other information you want to be posted to the wiki, simply post it under the “Guide Submissions” forum under “Console Modding” over on the forums.
Final Thoughts
Within the coming weeks, the wiki and Guide Hub will be quickly filling up. We hope to see this huge collection of information go to good use. We can’t wait to see what kind of new portables and other mods the community comes up with. We will also be doing write-ups on featured projects on our main site.
We’ll see you on the forums!
~The staff