Don’t worry, as long as you’re nice, do your research, and don’t expect everyone to step by step walk you through then you will have a wonderful timeHello, i'm narwhal i hope this forum will be friendly (if i won't fail)
Don’t forget about emulators on the wii! N64 and other games await! (Just make sure you own the games you emulate if you decide to use emulators)Hi, I have seen many videos on portabalizing wiis/gamecubes and i am planning on making something like the Louii from ginger because to me it looked so good and i finally felt almost a need for it. Even though I don't have enough money for that atm (I have $220 to spend freely) I do plan to make one eventually because god damn just the thought of having a switch except gamecube and wii games is mind boggling. Thanks for making a place like this
Are you looking to turn your wii into a system that can play old games? If so you might want to look into softmodding your wii with homebrew. This isn’t exactly the place for that but I think there are people here who could help you with that. If you want to do console modding this is definitely the place. I would start with the guide hub and then maybe create a thread with more specifics on what you want. That should allow us to give you some pointers on where to start. Hope this gives you an idea of where to start! Welcome to Bitbuilt by the way!New old guy here, trying to rebuild an old wii into a retro gaming system for my grandson..
looking for a forum to turn to for reading and gathering info, and asking the inevitable questions will arise in this undertaking..
thank you..
Welcome to Bitbuilt, feel free to ask questions just look around and make sure your question hasn’t already been asked.Hello, I'm jacobo and I'm a newbie to making a portable wii
It says you joined on the 6th but yet you know quite a bit about this site, is this an alt account or something?Don’t forget about emulators on the wii! N64 and other games await! (Just make sure you own the games you emulate if you decide to use emulators)
No, I just had a couple of days where I was sick and spent most of my time browsing, commenting, and learning.It says you joined on the 6th but yet you know quite a bit about this site, is this an alt account or something?
This is where all the cool kids are at least (and Noah).So, uh, is this where everyone is hanging out these days?
(and Noah).