The 2024 Summer Building Competition officially begins June 1st and ends November 1st. After concluding the community will vote and results will be revealed shortly after.
The first change this year is a new category for voting, innovation! Sure, the gboy is a great design, but we've seen it before. The new smallest playstation? A portable xbox? Now that's what I'm talking about! We'll be keeping the other 3 categories from past years, so entries can get up to 4 votes instead of 3 this time.
RulesInnovation - Got an idea nobody's tried before? New stuff is always cool, and will gain you massive props
Case Design/Aesthetic - Pouring hours and hours into designing and producing a case deserves praise.
Internals - We've all seen portables that look as pretty inside as they do on the outside. Electing to make your internals clean will gain you some votes and cred among the community.
Features and Functionality - Despite the fact that some projects are mods of consoles over a decade old, it doesn't mean they shouldn't have modern amenities. Managing to sneak in extra features, more functionality (original or not), and whatever else you can come up with can gain you extra points.
Our goal each year is to make the contest as fair as possible for everyone participating and we hope that these rules achieve that goal. Note some fresh changes this year in line with the ever evolving community aspirations
By registering for the contest, you’re letting us know that you agree to the rules stated above. Breaking the rules (namely the first one) put you at risk of being disqualified from the contest and banned from BitBuilt events and or services. Any necessary punishment is decided by BitBuilt staff and is final. When in doubt about anything, reach out to myself, @CrashBash or a staff member on the forums / Discord and we will advise you or direct you to someone who can aid you.1. All work must be done by you and only you. Commissions involving your contest project are not allowed at any point throughout the duration of the contest while you remain a participant. This includes board trimming, PCB design, case design, wiring of any kind, etc. If you are unsure of what this includes, please ask before going ahead with it to prevent you from being disqualified.
2. A worklog with pictures must be made on the forums. A piece of paper or index card must also be visible in photographs with some variation of “BitBuilt 2024 Summer Building Competition” along with your forum username displayed on it.
3. At the end of the contest, a video of your project is required and must be submitted along with your final contest submission. If your project is not fully functional by the close of the competition, try to demo as much as you can. If it isn't functional at that time, you can include clips recorded through the competition showing the progress towards a finished project.
4. Your entry may build upon projects from previous years, but the work used must be made open source or otherwise available to others before July 1, 2024. Links aren't strictly required in the competition post, but would be helpful (and you may very well get "where can I get X" posts if you don't)
5. When making your thread select the "Worklog" prefix. Once your entry is complete and also has your submission video, edit the original post to change the prefix to "Completed".
A tip of advice: Remember your peers will be voting for you. Making a clean work log and or a spending time on your entry video may prove beneficial in portraying your submission to voters!
In order to register, you must first log in, go to your account dropdown menu, and click “Account Upgrades”.
After that, you can click “Purchase” under the Available Upgrades section and pay the $2 entry fee. Once you have paid the fee, you will automatically be given a banner to denote that you are a contestant in the Competition!
Once you are ready make your worklog in the 2024 Summer Contest subforum. See rule 5 for thread prefix rules.
Make sure to pay attention to the stickies here on the forums as well as the Discord Channel. Any and all new information, such as the prizes, will be announced in those places respectively.
Good luck to all!
Edit from CrashBash:
Voting has ended, results have been announced here:
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