not sure where the short is, but there is a sliver on C87. noticed you shaved a little off the bottom by the jumper but didn't reconnect the 2 traces that are severed now.
I've run magnet wire from those pins on the CPU to the U6. Still no idea on the short though.Those traces go from pins 88 and 93 of the CPU and go to pins 25 and 7 of the U6 chip respectively.
I ordered one a few days ago but the seller has been silent. I may have to find someone else, that's how it goes on taobao sometimes.Ayyy good new!!! Glad to hear you got it working again! Now all you need is to get another expansion pak![]()
The resistors you mention are still in place. I have used some sheilded wire taken from a brand new audio/video cable I had spare. I've also switched back to the piece of wire I was using when the signal wasn't so bad. Sound is identical. Should the amp have it's own ground or can it share with other connection like the negative connector to the screen? When I had a full mobo, the G between the 2 audio ins went to the G on the AV out, now it's connected at a point with other components.I am no expert when it comes to this part so hopefully someone else can correct me/ help you better. But one thing I can think of is that you might need a low pass or high pass filter to help sort out the frequencies after the signal leaves the U1 chip. You might have cut resistors r18 and r20 on the back side of your board underneath the U1 chip. Those two could have been some sort of smoothing resistors. I believe they are 10k resistors that go to ground from left and from right. That being said, it almost sounds like the audio has gotten worse as you have been trying to fix it which makes me think it could be the u1 chip or something silly/ improbable like your wire being garbage or the solder joints getting bad for some odd reason. I know it’s not much help.
It was located at a common point before the last trim. I just tried pin 3 and still the same. I was actually using pin 3 for the shielding on the audio wire to ground that there, but it didn't improve the sound. I didn't have time to do anything but relocate ground which did nothing as I mentioned, but I notice I have audio coming through both headphones even though I only have one channel connected, it's very confusing. Also, I have my RGB mod chip hot glued to the side of the edge of the mobo, the heat of detaching and attaching audio wired to U1 has caused some movement to the glue on the underside and its engulfed some of the resistors, including the ones you mentioned before. I don't know why this would be an issue, the chip is wrapped in kapton tape but I thought it worth mentioning. I might try removing all non essential components and after work and see if that does anything.I don't know whether that would cause an issue but I want to say that I have read somewhere before that it should have its own ground. Not 100% sure. I would say its worth wiring the gound from the amp to pin 3 of the U1 chip for kicks and giggles to see if that helps. Where was the G connected to before the last trim?
The seller got back to me and said its not n64 compatible, but the listing has zero consoles listed in it. They have a note that if you don't know what this is for they have a zero troubleshooting assistance policy. So he may have been fobbing me off to avoid any further requests for assistance.Ayy glad you figured out where the distortion was coming from. It looks to me like you could get vga output because you get r g b and h/v sync out. One thing to note is that I don’t think you will have deblur options or anything fancy like with ultra vga.
could you draw up like a basic schematic of how your audio setup is wired?So I have everything wired up all nicely for audio and with or without the extra grounding from the shielded cable it still doesn't sound too hot. I recorded a bit of audio from being off, turned on, through the everdrive menu and booting to Mario64. If anyone wants a listen maybe it will be a better indicator of the issue than me describing the background noise. Coming out of the small speakers it's not hideous but over headphones it's very distracting. Should I not be able to remedy this are there any digital audio options available that people can recommend?
Now you mention that I did read about what he did in his thread, sounds awesome but also like a one off. It's not the stock amp from the store anyhow which is a shame. He implemented some code to get aound the N64's quirks.could you draw up like a basic schematic of how your audio setup is wired?
Only digital option I know of is to do what GMAN did with his newest portable n64 build. He used the uamp, with another chip, and that chip supplied the uamp with the WS? needed to produce digital audio. It’s been a while since I looked at it so I’m a little hazy on that.