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Question My start to modding.

Nov 17, 2016
Hey guys, before I say what I want to say, let me introduce myself. My name is Lincoln and I have been looking into modding for a few months now, without starting any projects. I have looked around, and read many people's projects they have done. I finally want to start. The first thing I want to do is educate myself on the modding process. I know a bit about voltage, and wiring, but not a lot and I know there is a LOT more. So if anyone could link me to where I could learn more about input-output, composite, etc, because honestly it just confuses me so much. I am willing to put in the time to learn how to make a portable, and just learn about modding in general.

I think I'd like to start with an N64 once I actually start the modding process. I wanted to start with a Wii, but I don't want to confuse myself any more, and I think an N64 would be nice. I know there are other consoles that are probably easier, but I don't play any of the games on them :P. I also am not sure where to start, like if I should start with modding the console? Well, I'm excited to learn more about this, as well as meet a lot of you guys!

See ya around!


May 23, 2016
Hi Lincoln! I wouldn't recommend a portable or anything for a first time project unless you've done a little more research, but definitely keep looking at old projects on other forums as well as well as youtube videos of basic modding skills; there's a lot of great stuff out there to help get you started. If you want something SUUUUUPER basic, you could try swapping the LED with a different color, or maybe putting LEDs inside a clear controller. Or you could try making a mini n64 by trimming it down a bit, replacing the heat sinks and putting it in a smaller case. If you care, you could give converting it to RGB a shot. Can't think of any other non-portablizing mods you would want to do besides those!

Also feel free to ask any questions you like and we will be happy to answer. You may also pm me anything, if you don't feel like posting.

Hoping to see some awesome projects from you in the future! :)

Also, sit tight for an awesome n64 portablization guide, made by yours truly and @Chaos!


the real
Jan 16, 2016
standing up
please do not ask!!!! I will NOT respond
Start with a core understanding of everything that's in a portable and how it's all connected together. Once you've got your head wrapped around that, you can look more into purchasing tools and components and then you can start doing some tests.