Long story short, the RCP is complicated as fuck.
As a community do we have enough knowledge on it to be able to replicate the RCP?
I can imagine it now, BitBuilt Retro Consoles xD
My cell phone is an n64 clone console
With Raspberry pis, wiis, phones, and computers all being either decent or passable n64 emulators, there's really not much reason to. (Unless you really really want to play the carts, which I don't)
Screenshot from my s6 edge as of about a year ago:
I have a GPD XD, and it runs pretty solid most of the time for N64 and Dreamcast, but it won't play carts, and multiplayer is basically nonexistent.
The Wii doesn't have a strong enough compatibility for a number of games, most of which are popular titles that people like to play.
With the Pi, only the Model 3 is capable of playing N64 games stock, and even then there are slowdowns. The Pi Zero is impossible to run 64 games at a playable speed.
True emulation has gotten really good but I still think if a clone system popped up many collectors and retro game enthusiasts would pick them up anyways
I'd be all over it, as well as nearly everyone I tend to hang out with, so at least 40 consoles sold right there.
I might too, if the games weren't so expensive XD. Must I choose between three flea market / goodwill wii consoles or one good n64 game?
It isn't really a choice then is it? Clearly the Good N64 Game
A wise man once told me, "Buy the 64Drive. It's the only game you'll ever need.
I'm pretty sure I heard that on stream haha
Acronell is right, and we need some supaboy type n64 clones xD
Damn Skippy, though perhaps a little sturdier
If they would make one it'd probably just run emulation from a linux/android core anyway like the Retron 5 and the like. I don't know when the N64 console patents run out but I guess we'll wait and see.
That's actually why I never bought the Retron 5.