to go the guy who knows more about the N64 than anyone on this forum?Hey you son of a bitch shut up stop acting stupid
If you're going to layout the N64 on a new PCB you should keep in mind the signal paths. If I recall correctly, there are LVDS signals, so impedance matching is needed. Also it's good to impedance match on parallel out data as well.Hey so can you guys hep me in getting n64 schematics of a trimmed n64 board as I want to design pcb on my own I am begin in to learn cadsoft eagle
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)to go the guy who knows more about the N64 than anyone on this forum?
lmao what even is an n64
/thread( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
No, I think it might be keshav from ModRetroJosiah is that you
agreed. keshav / ModUNo, I think it might be keshav from ModRetro