If you participated in the 2024 gift exchange, this is the thread to share what you sent! Announcement post here.
(Not so) Tempowary Placeholder.
(Not so) Tempowary Placeholder.
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I'm so glad that you enjoyed everything! Keep Up the good work and have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! I'm looking forward to MGC in the Spring! I hope you get some good laughs from nokotan lol. Have fun with everything!I'm gonna go ahead and post my gift here now that I've received and opened it. This year my secret santa was @Bubberiffic, and he went WAY harder than he had to!
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He did such a nice job wrapping them too!
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We've got a beautifully drawn bit of Nokotan art on a wonderful little card he made and wrote for me. We've got a Queen CD with 9 mystery songs on it, really looking forward to seeing what those are! There's a copy of Knockout Kings 2000 for the N64 which I can't wait to try out on my N64 portable! There's volume 1 of My Deer Friend Nokotan, which is every bit as unhinged of a series as I am of a person! A custom 3d printed Neptune figure with a custom 3d printed stand, and a $10 Nintendo eShop gift card!
Here are close up shots of the Neptune figure and the stand for it:
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The stand has some beautifully printed in art in it that is based off Neptune's D-Pad hair clips. Here's what those look like for reference:
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The model for the stand was custom made in Blender. When I originally saw it, I immediately thought he had gotten it off The Models Resource since he did such a good job with it! I can tell he put a ton of time and effort into just this alone!
Overall, really beautiful and lovely set of gifts! Thank you so much @Bubberiffic ! These are all great gifts and I really can't thank you enough! You did NOT have to go this hard!
And he gave you the best colour too! I've wanted an emerald blue one for ages but they're really annoying to get down here >.>Package came in! The things I got from my Secret Santa were just what I wanted!! Only issue is that I still do not know who my Secret Santa was since they didn’t put their username in the letter. Anyways!
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I got 4 games and 3 controllers!!
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I got a Demon Throttle for Nintendo Switch, Crysis 2 for the Xbox 360, Resident Evil 4 for the Wii, and a Sealed copy of Super Mario 3D World!
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But by far I think the best gift I got was an OEM GameCube controller! I have been hunting for one for months and found nothing, this was an AWESOME gift!
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Another cool controller I got was a limited edition Dragon Age Xbox 360 controller! Been needing one for my console and this is perfect!
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Last but not least I got a Razer Raiju Mobile game controller! Bluetooth and holds my phone for gaming on a controller on the go!
If you were my Secret Santa, I would love to know! But if you wish to stay anonymous, I wish you and your family a Merry Christmas, this was an amazing gift and I’m very glad I got this from you!
Thanks so much man@RegDogg The best thing about that controller too is that not only is it already a fairly uncommon color, but it has an even more rare blue mario controller back half, so it's a franky controller
I wasn't sure when we should reveal ourselves so I left that out, but I was your secret santa, glad you like your gifts!
That does seem rather fitting for a GroovyMusicMan.My secret santa went all out. Really cool. I couldn't find the name it was from tho. It came in an Amazon package.
One of the boxes has something else special in it if you haven't opened it..My secret santa was @Gman and I got some sweet custom PCBs. He knows about my custom controller obsession, but how did he also know I'd been wanting to break out the n64 this month?Thanks Gman!
One of the boxes has something else special in it if you haven't opened it..