Christmas came early!!! @Kamp was my secret santa, and he hooked me up!
- First up is a 3Dconnexion SpaceMouse! He said in his note that it didn't have a USB cable and that I would need to solder one on, but it appears the work has already been done! Weird, maybe something happened while it was in the mail.....
- Next we have a Neo Geo Mini! It's funny, as I was opening up this package in front of a couple friends, they all started geeking out about it having the Metal Slug series. I personally have never been acquainted with Metal Slug (or anything Neo Geo, really), so I have my homework cut out for me! I have to say, this little guy is really well-built! The screen looks great, the buttons feel great, and the joystick feels..... great! It even has USB-C ports for P1 and P2 controllers, and a mini HDMI port for video out!
- Finally, a secret third thing, possibly to be revealed at MGC.....