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Worklog The Spicy Memecast

Mar 6, 2016
I decided I wanted to try to work on something different progress for this project will be really slow because I don't have that much time and I've caught senioritis which is pretty bad. Here's the progress I've made not very much but I saved 10 dollars by not buying av and power cord. I might have to use the disk drive in this one because you can't pre order a gdemu at this time so I might have to either wait or just throw in a disk drive.

Mar 10, 2016
Cool! Another dreamcast portable!(don't know if you saw but I'm just starting back up with mine also.)

If you have any dreamcast specific questions do ask, I've done quite a bit of research. (Eg. If you want to use normal 5k pot analog sticks and triggers with a genuine controller I can explain how)

You can order a "USB GDrom" instead of a GDemu, the guy takes orders (with long wait times) permanently instaed of the limited pre-order system the GDemu has.
It has some pros and cons compared the GDemu. It is larger and a bit more expensive currently, but still very good (pretty much 100% compatibility) and a lot smaller than a disc drive and you can do away with the 12v line altogether.

Good luck and can't wait to see more!
Go dreamcast!


Staff member
Jan 31, 2016
I've done quite a bit of research.
I actually picked up a few dreamcasts at MGC and was planning on documenting it. It seems like the last console that can be portablized, but doesn't have public documentation on how to do so. Maybe we should start a Dreamcast R&D thread and share notes. I know @RDC is pretty knowledgable on it as well. I asked for his help, but I became busy and never followed up.
Mar 6, 2016
I actually picked up a few dreamcasts at MGC and was planning on documenting it. It seems like the last console that can be portablized, but doesn't have public documentation on how to do so. Maybe we should start a Dreamcast R&D thread and share notes. I know @RDC is pretty knowledgable on it as well. I asked for his help, but I became busy and never followed up.
We should start that thread I can try stuff out on my current Dreamcast and see what works and what doesn't. However it doesn't look like there is much trimming potential but it seems to be able to take a lot of heat as I removed a few components and it's still working.

Cool! Another dreamcast portable!(don't know if you saw but I'm just starting back up with mine also.)

If you have any dreamcast specific questions do ask, I've done quite a bit of research. (Eg. If you want to use normal 5k pot analog sticks and triggers with a genuine controller I can explain how)

You can order a "USB GDrom" instead of a GDemu, the guy takes orders (with long wait times) permanently instaed of the limited pre-order system the GDemu has.
It has some pros and cons compared the GDemu. It is larger and a bit more expensive currently, but still very good (pretty much 100% compatibility) and a lot smaller than a disc drive and you can do away with the 12v line altogether.

Good luck and can't wait to see more!
Go dreamcast!
Thank you! I will definitely have some questions in the future and I really like your portable as well and I have been following it for a while now. I was also considering the USB GDrom instead but i'm going to have to wait until I have the cash to buy it.
Mar 6, 2016
I finally figured out how to get dream shell hooked up. I wired up a CF card, burned the image to the CD-R and it worked after a few tries. Here's some hot shots of my work.

IMG_3709.JPG IMG_3710.JPG

I'm going to do some investigation on custom bios's and removing the disc drive so I will probably update this work log when I figure that out
Jul 4, 2016
I'm going to do some investigation on custom bios's and removing the disc drive so I will probably update this work log when I figure that out
The custom bios isn't too hard to do. Just follow the instructions on this page http://www.mmmonkey.co.uk/sega-dreamcast-region-free-bios/
but instead of installing the installing the "region free bios". install the "boot loader retail nogdrom" that you can get from the dreamshell download or from here: https://github.com/DC-SWAT/DreamShell/tree/master/build/firmware/bios/ds

I found this to have some nice info on how to do it http://www.theisozone.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=144&t=53352

As for removing the disk drive I have some info on my DreamCast worklog, but if you have any questions just let me know. I'm always happy to help :)