This controller PCB is giving me a headache

Jun 6, 2020
Please forgive my rambling. I'm confused, I'm tired, and I'm honestly kinda freaking out a little
This PCB man, I swear to God. Ok so, I spent all of today at work assembling the G-Boy kit up to the end of step 15, wiring up VGA. The problem I'm running into is the main controller PCB. Put simply, it was inconsistent at the best of times, and just doesn't work most of the time. I've checked continuity between the control board, the Wii, and the PMS and everything registers as connected. At one point early on, when I was trying to get it to work, I connected both 3.3v and GND pads to their respective points on the PMS but soon disconnected the second set of pads shortly after when I was told those were for the audio board. That didn't seem to cause any damage, as the board worked the same before and after that event. I've also checked for shorts around the shoulder buttons and found nothing. Sometimes the board would work, and sometimes it would just quit, though redoing the 3.3v and GND solder points would seem to fix it. Then shortly after I upgraded from portablizeMii to BBloader, the controls stopped working altogether. Now admittedly, I did screw up. After the controls stopped working I spent nearly 2 and a half hours trying to get them to work again. In that time I accidentally put one of the batteries in backward, but immediately pulled it out, I'm talking like 2.5 seconds later. I thought that may have damaged something, but everything seemed to work fine after that. In any case, at about 8:46 pm I decide to go home, but not before filming a video recapping my progress to send to a buddy of mine. While Filming this video, the controls actually start working (). So I stop recording and test further, and all of the buttons and sticks work. I decide to see if they work after rebooting the system, so I reboot the G-Boy and now they don't work again. What the Hell is going on? the only thing I can think of that was different between when they worked in the video and when they didn't work after the video was that I didn't touch the controls for about 30 seconds. I don't know anymore. I'm confused, I'm tired, and I don't know what's going on anymore. I think my board may be defective. I'd be willing to buy a new controller PCB if that was the case, but the one used in the G-Boy kit isn't for sale on the BitBuilt Store. If anyone knows what the hell is going on, or if you have any ideas on how to get it working, please let me know. I'll be going back to the shop to continue working on this kit tomorrow, until then, I'm going to bed. Goodnight.
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no wario
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The Oregon Wildlands
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Some close ups of the soldering for the controller stuff would help. It sounds like iot could be that you're got multiple controller data lines solder together, but I can't say for sure
May 11, 2020
first instinct from the description is that the power and ground welds need work, or maybe you move something around and it shorts. make sure your welds are clean and dont have much exposed wire between the weld and the insulation sleeve.

may even want to try lightly moving the wire while its working to see if it goes out, or while it isnt working to see if it comes back.

I was having issues getting clean welds to the wii board before Gman recommended lightly scratching the vias with a craft knife to expose the reflective copper better. solved a lot of issues for me.

EDIT: also worth mentioning that I accidentally bridged the legs of the chip that handles controller data while trying to solder to it at one point, which gave me spotty controls similar to what you are describing. adding flux and dragging an iron with little to no solder on it over the pins a few times corrected the issue. check with a bright light or a magnifying glass to be sure.
May 6, 2020
I too had this issue with my Wii (GBoy Kit). Sadly, I do not have any fixes because I broke the Wii board when trying to troubleshoot the problem, I forgot to unplug the batteries before soldering.

I am only replying to this thread because I had a consistent behavior that I would like to know if you are also experiencing. When the controls did not work, the Gboy would take a 0.5 - 1 second longer to boot to the BitBuilt splash screen. When the controls did work, the GBoy would boot up at its "normal speed". Also, my controls would wack out around half of times I booted. (Boot 1 - Controls Work, Boot 2 - Don't Work, Boot 3 - Work, Boot 4 - Don't Work, etc.) When I was attempting to fix the issue for my self, I deduced it was probably an bad solder/connection that was intermittent depending on the wire's movement/position. (Of course I forgot to unplug the batteries and ruined the board. So I cannot confirm if my assumption was correct.)