Been a while but I've been putting bits of progress into it fairly consistently.
My PCBs came in! They look mighty fine in the most beautiful color known to mankind.
Got to practice a lot of drag soldering. Using a massive chisel tip is the way to go, these two only took me like 10 minutes and 8 of those minutes were spent trying to get the stupid pins to line up perfectly. Drag soldering meant that I didn't need to order any stencils, which was a good call for these boards.
Aaaand I'm going to need a Rev2 on most of these boards. A backwards 3DS slider port for the control stick means that the Dpad board either has to be manually wired to a slider or I need to order a new board with the correct orientation. Speaking of backwards, I somehow managed to mirror the entire footprint of the MOSFET that controls the 5v line for USB. No clue how I did that, seeing as literally all the diagrams on the datasheet have the exact same layout, so I must've messed with the mirror tool in Eagle or something. Tried pulling a NAND bend and flipping it over, but I got some magic smoke for my troubles. I'm gonna order a smaller PCB with just that circuit and stare a little harder at the datasheet to see if there's something else I'm missing. Once I get it working I plan to release the design and BOM and such so that we can see more of these circuits in other people's builds.
There are a variety of other smaller, minor issues that I'll be tweaking before I order new boards. I'm also waiting on my case, which is mostly printed at this point in time, so that I make sure that my case design is meshing correctly with my PCBs.
Anyways, here's the system as it stands right now. It's a mess of spaghet since I've been leaving plenty of slack so that I can just trim the wires to the perfect lengths when they go in my case.
The GC+ is working! First time I've had every part of it working, so that's pretty exciting. You can also see that I've wired up my WiiHUD amp, but at this point in time it isn't working like it should be. More troubleshooting ahead of me for sure. The next steps with this project is going to be to get my case in hand, as well as get my hands on a custom regulator board, since PowerMii is likely going to be unavailable through the end of the contest. I'll be compensating for no PowerMii full with Aurelio's amp, a custom reg board, and the red charge and play board. It's far from ideal, but it will allow me to keep all the critical features I want.
Speaking of the contest, this is my official entry into it! I'd love to start something fresh, but I'm just not going to have the time or funding to pull it off like I need. Thanks for everyone's help with all the troubleshooting I've been doing recently, your guys' help keeps my soldering iron from entering my skull. I'm super stoked to start seeing everyone else's ideas for their builds!