I have recently started on a Wavebird controller project that involves dissecting and documenting the circuit board. I have ammassed some useful information that I hope others can use as well, so I'm posting everything I have so far. I will keep the link and images up to date, since I'll still be adding to it and making minor corrections.
The file is pretty large, so I'm putting a link to the zip file in Google Drive. It contains:
-A Compendium, similar to the layout of the Wii Compendium, with all of the traces mapped onto layers that can be hidden or viewed at will. I used a program called Krita instead of Paint.net though.
-A Word document containing pinout diagrams for all of the chips on the board, as well as general information on how each chip relates to the others.
-Datasheets for all of the chips on the main board.
-Pictures of the board with components, without components, and without solder mask. Fortunately the board is only 2 layers. There are different revisions, but so far they all seem very similar with only minor placement variations.
-Pictures of a working trim of the wavebird.
-Links to various other useful information about the Wavebird.
-A complete parts list of all components used in the controller.
It does NOT include much information about the transmitter board inside of the controller, since I will most likely keep it intact for my project. It is connected using 7 pins/through holes and is fairly easy to desolder with a hot air station.
There is a trim for the Wavebird, very similar to the original GC controller trim. Everything necessary to do it is in the pictures folder and the Pinouts and Diagrams Word doument.
Link to the full zip file (about 300MB):
Thanks to @Shank for sending me the board I documented. Here are some pics
The file is pretty large, so I'm putting a link to the zip file in Google Drive. It contains:
-A Compendium, similar to the layout of the Wii Compendium, with all of the traces mapped onto layers that can be hidden or viewed at will. I used a program called Krita instead of Paint.net though.
-A Word document containing pinout diagrams for all of the chips on the board, as well as general information on how each chip relates to the others.
-Datasheets for all of the chips on the main board.
-Pictures of the board with components, without components, and without solder mask. Fortunately the board is only 2 layers. There are different revisions, but so far they all seem very similar with only minor placement variations.
-Pictures of a working trim of the wavebird.
-Links to various other useful information about the Wavebird.
-A complete parts list of all components used in the controller.
It does NOT include much information about the transmitter board inside of the controller, since I will most likely keep it intact for my project. It is connected using 7 pins/through holes and is fairly easy to desolder with a hot air station.
There is a trim for the Wavebird, very similar to the original GC controller trim. Everything necessary to do it is in the pictures folder and the Pinouts and Diagrams Word doument.
Link to the full zip file (about 300MB):
Thanks to @Shank for sending me the board I documented. Here are some pics
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