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2024 BitBuilt Secret Santa


No emulation, real hardware
Staff member
Feb 5, 2016
MGC, Wisconsin, USA
Didn't the Summer competition just end? What happened to Fall? The holidays are rapidly approaching and with it the BitBuilt Secret Santa!

Due to a historical lack of participants in countries outside of the US, we're continuing to host 2 "pools" of participants for those who live inside the US vs not. Please feel free to sign up if you don't live in the US, but be advised said pool may be canceled if we have the same turnout as in the past. If you are an international member and you sign up for the exchange, please be aware that your match may be located anywhere in the world! We will do our best to match people from the same country to keep shipping costs low for everyone but nothing is guaranteed.

If you're interested in signing up for the gift exchange, please use this form here:

Signups will close on November 25th!

Read the below expectations and guidelines for the exchange before signing up! SOME OF THESE HAVE CHANGED / BEEN ADDED SINCE LAST YEAR.
Not abiding to these may result in you being barred from future BitBuilt events, your account standing, or other actions as deemed appropriate by BitBuilt Staff.
  • Do not sign up for the exchange if you will be unable to purchase/make a gift for your assigned user before the shipping deadline, mentioned at the end of this post.
  • Do not sign up for the exchange if you've not been a moderately active member of the community. While post count isn't necessarily the only factor we'll base our judgement on, the staff reserves the right to remove anyone they believe won't actively participate in the exchange.
  • If you are under the age of 16 and/or do not have a driver's license, be sure to make adequate preparations for how you will ship your gift, whether that is getting a ride to a post office or having a carrier pick up the package from your residence.
  • If the user you are given does not have any "interests" listed in their form, try to send them something related to modding - it's a safe common interest to fall back on.
  • Lastly, try and make sure that as the name suggests, your gift remains a "secret" and the user receiving it is surprised when they open the box!
Expectations / "Rules":
  • While there is no set "budget" for the exchange, the expectation is that gifts should at least be in the $30-$60 range, though there is no set "maximum value". The total value of the gift that is sent is up to the discretion of the users participating. Note this budget is exclusive of any shipping cost. Feel free to "drop ship" a gift to avoid shipping fees.
  • No "low effort" gifting. Sending a controller or other gift you already have "laying around" is fine, but do not send what could be viewed as "junk" or "low effort" as your gift. Not everyone may find your leftover components a nice gift unless their interests would suggest otherwise. Even then, remember the expected budget and include something if needed to hit it!
  • In general, send a gift that your Santa will enjoy. Opening something and seeing a gift, when you don't know what it is, can either be a great or disappointing experience. Remember someone is sending you something as well and put effort into your gift selection so your recipient is as happy as you hopefully are.
We will be sending out the matches shortly after signups close along with more information about the exchange via PM to each of the members who sign up! We ask that all gifts are sent out so that they arrive in time for Christmas (December 25th). For those in the US, shoot for no later than December 16th to allow adequate time for arrival before Christmas, though later may be acceptable depending on your shipping method!

Thanks and we hope you all have fun!
- The BitBuilt Staff

PS - I swear to god I tried getting this out earlier this year. The competition ending so late makes this feel so early.