2017 Summer Building Contest
Although it is only February, the time has come that we begin the discussions on the 2017 Summer Building Contest! The contest will be very similar to last years with a few new additions.
First off, we've redesigned the voting system to ensure that no ties arise this year when it comes time for final voting. Rather than vote for any individual portable or console mod this year, we will be voting in categories. The categories will be:
Case Design/Aesthetic - You will be able to vote on which entry is the most aesthetically pleasing to you. Whether it's the frankencasing job they did or the hours and hours they poured into designing their 3D printed case, only one entry can secure your vote so make sure it's whichever you think is best!
Internals - Someone once said "beauty is on the inside" and in this community over the years we have seen mods where that is absolutely the truth. If the inside of your mod is a hot-glued mess that looks like it's fresh off of Drakon's workbench, well, let's just say you probably won't be getting any votes in this category.
Features and Functionality - Some console mods retain full functionality while some sacrifice aspects of the original hardware in order to trim down the final size. In this category, entries will be judged on what kind of neat features are included or which ones are taken away. For example, if you make a Wii portable with internal storage and have file transfer and charging through one port, you're more likely to win a vote than if you put a serial port on your Wii and want people to use a serial to USB converter in order to play games.
Each user will be able to vote for one entry for each category. The entry that accrues the most overall votes will win. Same as last year, there will be three winners.
Last year, we had an entry fee for the contest in order to cover shipping charges for the prizes. However, this year since we have the store to back us, we have made a new rule:
If you use a BitBuilt Store product in your build, just send Noah a PM with your order number and you'll be automatically entered in the contest!
Otherwise, the same fee will apply as last year. This is largely because the people who buy from the store are directly supporting the store and site as a whole and have already earned the right to join the contest, free of charge. The user upgrade will be live in a few days time. Feel free to send @Noah a PM if you've bought from the store already and the user group will start rolling out this week.
The tentative schedule can be seen below:
March 4th - Registration officially opens
March 18th - Registration closes and the contestants are locked in
July 28th - The contest comes to a close. All completed entries must be published in the Cutting Edge forum by this time.
July 29th - Voting opens!
August 5th - Voting comes to a close.
August ??? - The results are live streamed on the BitBuilt Twitch channel and revealed on the site!
P.S. Prizes will be revealed soon!
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