I Didn't want to hijack anyone's thread so I figured I would put this one out there... and sorry, couldn't resist the title. Nintendo shouldn't have made it so easy!! 
So, after looking around quite a bit and seeing/hearing the benefits of a Wii portable vs. a GCp I think I might try my hand at cutting up a Wii. I do however have a couple specific questions and some things I want to verify before I start buying parts, especially off eBay. I will most likely have more questions after I get started but that's for a later date/time/worklog, these are just to get me headed in the right direction.

So, after looking around quite a bit and seeing/hearing the benefits of a Wii portable vs. a GCp I think I might try my hand at cutting up a Wii. I do however have a couple specific questions and some things I want to verify before I start buying parts, especially off eBay. I will most likely have more questions after I get started but that's for a later date/time/worklog, these are just to get me headed in the right direction.
- So, as far as I understand, as long as the Wii in question is big and black (or any other color just not no mini Wii's please) has GameCube ports or no, it should at least have a RVL-CPU-40 or higher motherboard so is compatible with the trimming guide on this forum correct?
- I know the Wii will push 480p without having to worry about an expensive component cable but to run VGA out to a LCD will I still need something like the GC Video to convert the signal to VGA?
- I believe the answer to this one is a yes but I want to double check. Do I/Can I still use a GameCube controller/Controller board when making a Wii portable instead of like a Wii Classic Controller?
- And I saved this for last because this is a big one for me... Power Regulators. It looks as if, unlike the GameCube, custom Power Regulators are a must. I know DigiKey and Mouser are two websites that carry the parts and Power Regulators needed but I've never made anything like them before. To be honest with the parts selection available they are quite confusing and a bit overwhelming to me. This why I've been afraid of buying the wrong things to build them so this is a multi part question.
- Is there a good link to a finalized diagram for the Power Regs that the Wii needs and that everyone has been using without any major issues?
- Is there a good parts list for resistors and capacitors, suggestions on what to buy or does it really matter as long as the values match? Again, sooo many options to choose from my head start to spin. I've mostly harvested parts I've needed from other devices in the past so never had to order them before.
- And lastly, are there any better places to get these parts other than DigiKey and/or Mouser? I know there is always eBay but I know that can be hit or miss but please correct me if I'm wrong.

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