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Discussion Lookin' for some big black Wii...

Jul 25, 2016
US - Tallahassee, Fl
I Didn't want to hijack anyone's thread so I figured I would put this one out there... and sorry, couldn't resist the title. Nintendo shouldn't have made it so easy!! >:)

So, after looking around quite a bit and seeing/hearing the benefits of a Wii portable vs. a GCp I think I might try my hand at cutting up a Wii. I do however have a couple specific questions and some things I want to verify before I start buying parts, especially off eBay. I will most likely have more questions after I get started but that's for a later date/time/worklog, these are just to get me headed in the right direction.
  1. So, as far as I understand, as long as the Wii in question is big and black (or any other color just not no mini Wii's please) has GameCube ports or no, it should at least have a RVL-CPU-40 or higher motherboard so is compatible with the trimming guide on this forum correct?
  2. I know the Wii will push 480p without having to worry about an expensive component cable but to run VGA out to a LCD will I still need something like the GC Video to convert the signal to VGA?
  3. I believe the answer to this one is a yes but I want to double check. Do I/Can I still use a GameCube controller/Controller board when making a Wii portable instead of like a Wii Classic Controller?
  4. And I saved this for last because this is a big one for me... Power Regulators. It looks as if, unlike the GameCube, custom Power Regulators are a must. I know DigiKey and Mouser are two websites that carry the parts and Power Regulators needed but I've never made anything like them before. To be honest with the parts selection available they are quite confusing and a bit overwhelming to me. This why I've been afraid of buying the wrong things to build them so this is a multi part question.
    1. Is there a good link to a finalized diagram for the Power Regs that the Wii needs and that everyone has been using without any major issues?
    2. Is there a good parts list for resistors and capacitors, suggestions on what to buy or does it really matter as long as the values match? Again, sooo many options to choose from my head start to spin. I've mostly harvested parts I've needed from other devices in the past so never had to order them before.
    3. And lastly, are there any better places to get these parts other than DigiKey and/or Mouser? I know there is always eBay but I know that can be hit or miss but please correct me if I'm wrong.
I'm really sorry for the long post and please do forgive me if these have been answered before, (I tried to be as specific as possible). I'm still all searching for all the info but want to go ahead and get some of the parts purchased and on the way so I can get started as time permits. If I did miss any links that already have the answers in them please feel free to let me know and I will eagerly read through them. :)
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Jul 25, 2016
US - Tallahassee, Fl
Oh, I did forget one question...

If I switch to making Wii portables what the heck do I do with the 8 GameCube motherboards and WiiKey/WASP Fusions I have laying around the house... are they still worth anything? I know I can practice my mother board cutting on a couple just to get the hang of it but the rest.... door stops... target practice... yard art... ?


the real
Jan 16, 2016
standing up
please do not ask!!!! I will NOT respond
1. RVL-40 and above are all that's supported by the current trimming guide. Earlier motherboards will be supported eventually
2. The smartest thing to do is to find a screen that supports component. I have a "VGA" screen that, despite not being listed as doing so, appears to support component.
3. Gamecube controller will work fine for GC/Homebrew/VC games, specific WiiWare and Wii games are currently not supported.
4. Custom regulators are required simply because the only supported trim cuts them off.
4a. I'm working on a complete Wii/general PTH regulator guide, but for now, this is your best bet: https://bitbuilt.net/forums/index.php?threads/gc-regulators.182/
4b. Values need to match as close as possible. Here's a link to caps, and here's a link to 1v, 1.15v, 3.3v, and then 5v resistors, and here's a link to PTH regulators(these are sets of two so order two for the full 4 reg setup)
4c. All of those links are from ebay. It may take time to get parts, but I've never had problems. For hobbyists, ebay is good enough. I only venture to other places when I can't find shit on ebay first.

Additionally, I moved this topic to the Wii forum since it's only really Wii-related. You can try selling your GC stuff in the for-sale section here, or finish modding them and sell them that way, or whatever. I wouldn't mind some pics or videos of GC-Frisbee, either.
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Jul 25, 2016
US - Tallahassee, Fl
First, thank you for moving the topic to the correct location. I could've sworn I was posting under the Wii forum... sorry about that... :)

  1. The main thing from my first question was; Would I be safe to buy a Wii off eBay or somewhere else site unseen, (with GC controller ports or no) as long as the machine is black, red or blue and is not white or a "Mini" Wii? That's what I gathered from the Wii trimming guide anyway, as long as it was black, red or blue it would have a RVL-40 or above as where some of the White ones you can't really tell without cracking them open and getting hands on. I just wanted to play it safe. :)
  2. I will have to look for a good screen that might appear to accept component, I will check the screens I have here and see if they do. I know they accept VGA and Composite anyway.
  3. Nice!! I have a few GC controllers and a Wii Classic controller that I plan on using... I might just go with the Wii Classic if that will work and I can find a good pinout on how to wire it up.
  4. And thanks so much for your answers, the info and all the links!! Now I at least my heads not spinning and it has taken a lot of the overwhelming feeling and guess work out of attempting to build me some Power Regulators!! :D I love eBay personally, that's why I figure I will order everything now so I do have the time I'm ready to start building everything, lol!!

Good suggestions on the GC stuff. I might go ahead and try my hand at a portable Wii and if I like it just take your advice and build/sell the GC's. And if nothing else or no one is interested... GC-Frisbees are a really cool idea, lol!! >:)

Thanks again ShockSlayer, you are da man!!!


the tallest memer in town
Staff member
Mar 2, 2016
1. Yeah, any non-white wii (red ones too!) are 40+, so they're good. If you're buying online, make sure they actually send you a black one or whatever, they could use a stock image and then send you a random wii which may end up being a wrong revision white one!
3. With the cc you'll have to wire it to a wii remote (as of now there are no other solutions .-.) What I always thought would be cool is having a Wii remote slide in a slot in the back or something and hook into the internal controls.
Jul 25, 2016
US - Tallahassee, Fl
Nice!! That's what I thought I had gathered from reading all the guides about the colors matching the mother board versions but wanted to make sure before going out and spending the money, lol!! Again, just playing it safe. And a big 10/4 on the ole "bait n' switch", had a guy do that to me on a GameCube... said it was a Ver.C and turned out to be a Ver.A/B. Worked out in the end but learned my lesson, lol!!.

Thanks for the heads up on the Wii CC, I bought that CC because I like the Analog sticks and thought about using all the buttons but wire them up to a GC Ctrl board. Don't know if that would work but it was like $4 on sale so I figured... "In the name of Science!!"... and it was only $4. :D. And you're controller idea is pretty sweet... kinda like a stylus silo on a tablet, that'd be slick!! Oddly enough I do have a wireless Wii Classic Controller that sync's to my Wii and Wii U by itself and doesn't require a Wiimote... I can post the make and model if anyone is interested. It's older I haven't used it a ton but it seems to have held up good and I haven't had any real issues with it. :)

Oh, @ShockSlayer - I just ordered all those parts for the Power Regulators off eBay, thanks once again for all your help and advice in that department!! I'm looking at doing an N64 or PS2p next so by the time I get done with my current GCp and my next portable you might be done with your guide, can't wait to see it!! :)


Painting Queen
Oct 27, 2016
I would hang on to those gc parts. I can't tell you how many times I've been glad to have a bunch of extra parts like that around. If you're looking for a project to do with a wasp and a gc that isn't TOO much work, you should do a gc slim. It's on my to do list.

I took some measurements and found you can easily reduce it to less than half the volume of the original gc while using the disc drive and without removing any functionality except the ports on the bottom for the gb player etc. (Or exactly half the volume if you want to be an actual cube). You can make it much smaller with a wasp or if you're more adventurous / talented than me. But seriously, hang on to those and give them a "maybe someday" drawer to live in.
Jul 25, 2016
US - Tallahassee, Fl
A GC slim is a cool idea that I never really thought about before... I could see that being a really cool project!! :)

As far as the extra GC parts, you correct. Being a computer tech I get given a TON of old desktops and laptops that people don't want any more. I get the data off give them the had drive back and then the rest of the machines were just sitting around my house until I started working on portables. Now I have started breaking them down and using the parts with great success on my GCp. I've still got two laptop LCD screens I could attempt a portable "laptop" of some kind out of. I guess it just goes to so that being a hoarder does pay off sometimes, lol!! :D

@Madmorda, I like your "maybe someday" drawer idea, think that might be the best answer until I decide what to do with them. Thanks for the help!! :)