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Worklog noneAH - N64.Wii.DC [CONSOLE]


Mar 17, 2018
This project is now dead. Keep an new variation of it in the future!

noneAH is a balance between original hardware with upgrades and emulation, also a compilation of different guides, mods, hacks, and breakthroughs! It's not a porable but a mixture of mutiple consoles.

A play on word originated from the known GameCube console or GameBoy's portables, by changing the ending with an expression "AH" which is used to express a range of emotions including surprise, pleasure, realization and more (usually expressed while playing games)


  1. N64 - Maximum Trim
  2. Wii - OMGWTF Trim
  3. Dreamcast
    • GDemu [Clone]
    • VGA Mod
05/12/18 - Initial Start / Idea
02/12/20 - Project Reboot (2y Later)
05/01/20 -
Update #1: Little History & New Roadmap
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Mar 17, 2018
Are you planning on attempting to put a Wii, N64, and Dreamcast motherboard in one unit? How large are you planning on making this system? How are you going to handle heat? How are you going to handle switching controllers and video signals?
1) Yes that the plan.

2) All 3 board will be trim to make it smaller. Size is TBD but will compact.

3) All 3 console will have a heatsink. Within the case will have one single large slim fan or multiple small fans ventilation holes.

4) the controller will be 3in1 same concept that JacksonS implemented in his Wii SP 2.0, but with the difference n64 and Dreamcast control.

5) Internally will have video switcher probably controlled with a microcontroller + relays that would also control witch console is turned on

The project is complex to the certain extent and unique. For sure won't be able to do everything by myself and will need help, its all about the process of getting there and the effort put into to making it work! :D
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Jun 21, 2016
Northern New Jersey
1) Yes that the plan.

2) All 3 board will be trim to make it smaller. Size is TBD but will compact.

3) All 3 console will have a heatsink. Within the case will have one single large slim fan or multiple small fans ventilation holes.

4) the controller will be 3in1 same concept that JacksonS implemented in his Wii SP 2.0, but with the difference n64 and Dreamcast control.

5) Internally will have video switcher probably controlled with a microcontroller + relays that would also control witch console is turned on

The project is complex to the certain extent and unique. For sure won't be able to do everything by myself and will need help, its all about the process of getting there and the effort put into to making it work! :D
Fantastic project idea! Off the bat I'll mention that relays are likely not your best switching option here. Perhaps switching power between units with mosfets, and tying the A/V lines together with some protection diodes?
May 30, 2018
Far away from COVID (I hope)
(have two in production behind the scenes)
No, relays are inefficent, obscure, and suck majorly, commanderly, captainly, and overall will never work in something this modern. i would go with LED diffusers behind LEDS that emit when a mode is selected, which its recommended that its done through a pic microcontroller and perhaps in tandem with a 16-Bit FET Bus Switch, maybe even two.


And dont use the ED64 Plus. Take it from me and youtubers, its a terrible bootleg. And good luck using a PSOne screen with that advancedRGBMod because that is the only screen that supports rgb, seriously, just go with YUV/VGA and a dalian display

[MERGE #2]

And don't try to recreate JacksonS's portable. Its much too advanced for newcomers, and it even took me 9 months to figure out how the whole thing actually worked, so I could reverse enigneer it. And I still haven't recreated and improved everything yet. Seriously, if you're in this kind of low-time-frame contest, dont even bother or try it..


Pics please! Unless its ded..
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Mar 17, 2018
Rebooting this project after 2years doing research and focusing on other things. Will trying to update the tread every week or so! Just to rectify some details this isnt a portable at all, just a mixture of consoles together, the main post will also updated to reflect more detail and ideas. Like and comment to show support :D Cant wait to start sharing this project and a few suprises!!
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Mar 17, 2018
Update #1: Little History & New Roadmap

It's been a little while but finally time to start again. Will soon be updating the main tread to reflect the changes / roadmap.
The initial idea was to use PS1 shell with modification but then fell in love with Famicom HVC-101 (also know as the AV Famicom) design and overall footprint ... endup ordering a broken one from japan and now turning our new focus toward it!


Our Goal / Features

  • Keep the original shell / Look refresh
  • Retain NES Controller ports [Rewired for N64, Wii,DreamCast], Multi-Out* [RGBHV+Audio], DC input connector* and Cartridge Slot [Rewired as an Expansion Connection for Pw In, RGBHV+Audio and USB] with repurpose functionality
  • Repurpose Famicom accessories, the Large Cartridge Shell [Wii] & Ram Adapter [PS2] as Console on Expansion
  • Retrofit N64 & Dreamcast motherboard in the Famicom HVC-101
  • Custom PCB for PowerManagment, VGA+Audio Switching, Repurposed Cartridge Slot and Accessories
  • IGR (In-Game Reset)
  • More to Come...
* Subject To Change


Consider this as our task manager, project sections divider and idea portal.
Dividing the scope of work into different sections / phases helps keep the project in check and focus.

Phase 1 | Console
  • Look refresh [TBD]
  • N64 / DreamCast Trimmed + Cooling Kit
  • Custom regulator Board
  • VGA Mod
  • Cart / ODE
    • N64 > ED64 Plus [HAVE]
    • DC > GDEMU [HAVE]
  • Custom PCB: VGA/Audio Switcher + Cartridge Slot (Rewired as an Expansion) + PMS
    • PS: Only one console would be active at a time. As for selecting which console is active, Im thinking using a MCU with a Touch button and have different Tap gestures. Still havent figure what would be the best way to turn the console from a MCU, if anyone has idea let me know?
Design Preview:


  • Wii Trimmed + Cooling Kit [ ]
  • Famicom Large Cartridge [Purchased]
  • Custom PCB: regulator Board + Famicom 60Pin slot as an Expansion Connections (Pw In, RGBHV+Audio and USB) [ ]
Design Preview:
Phase 2 | Controller(s)
Idea: All-In-One Controller
  • Using orginal controllers chips or opensource chips replacments (N64,Wii,Dreamcast)
  • Repurposing a controller shell or making a custom one
  • One button press controllers switching
  • NES Controller Connector
* Name To Be Determined

Phase 3 | Console on Expansion
Idea: Repurposed Famicom Ram Adapter with a PS2 inside
  • PS2 Trimmed + Cooling Kit
  • Custom regulator Board
  • Rewired Famicom 60Pin slot as an Expansion Connections (Pw In, RGBHV+Audio and USB)
* Name To Be Determined

I am by know mean a pro at any of it but leanring as much as i can. Will most definitely need help and explanation but that's the joy of creating. Hope you enjoy this project and give like or a comment :D
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