This project is now dead. Keep an new variation of it in the future!
noneAH is a balance between original hardware with upgrades and emulation, also a compilation of different guides, mods, hacks, and breakthroughs! It's not a porable but a mixture of mutiple consoles.
05/12/18 - Initial Start / Idea
02/12/20 - Project Reboot (2y Later)
05/01/20 - Update #1: Little History & New Roadmap
A play on word originated from the known GameCube console or GameBoy's portables, by changing the ending with an expression "AH" which is used to express a range of emotions including surprise, pleasure, realization and more (usually expressed while playing games)
N64 - Maximum TrimED64Plus [Clone]VGA: advancedRGBmod by borti4938
Wii - OMGWTF TrimPortablizeMiiVGA: Wii native VGA by Aurelio
DreamcastGDemu [Clone]VGA Mod
05/12/18 - Initial Start / Idea
02/12/20 - Project Reboot (2y Later)
05/01/20 -
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