Also I'm a little confused on how to wire up the gamecube controller to my wii on my gamecube controller there is a red wire a black wire a white wire and a yellow wire which points on the motherboard would I wire each of these to ?
Perfect thank you so much I now know literally everything to build my wii portable!Yup! Just check out the Definitive Trimming Guide, it has the pinout for that section of the board.
Oh also just one more question is there a way to remove rumble from the controller because I don't really want rumble?Yup! Just check out the Definitive Trimming Guide, it has the pinout for that section of the board.
If I want to remove the rumble pack to slim down the controller can I just like jam a flat head screwdriver in there to get it off or do I need to desolder it?Rumble doesn't work without 5v, so you can disable rumble by just not connecting the 5v wire. All the GC controller needs to work is the 3.3v supply wire, the 3.3v data wire, and one ground wire.
What I meant was removing the big bulky rumble pack from the back of the controllerSlim down the controller? Could you describe what it is that you're trying to achieve with this project overall? What does the end goal look like?
Great thanks the benefit is that it's for my portable so I'm trying to get it as small as possibleWhy tho? What benefit does that provide?
It's perfectly doable tho. You just have to unscrew the tri-wing screws holding the shell together, remove the bottom half of the controller shell, and desolder/snip the two wires that feed the rumble motor. With the wires detatched from the PCB, the motor itself will lift right out. The controller will weigh less, but the shell will still be the same size.
Good idea but I can't be bothered to wire up that much stuff because I'm a little too lazyYou should look into using a GC+ instead of an OEM controller. They're cheap, allow you to put buttons wherever you want in your portable, and allow you to use just about whatever sticks you want (gamecube-style, joy con-style, 3DS sliders, etc.). They're pretty cheap too.
Nah not at all its just extra wiring when I'm perfectly happy with a regular gamecube controllerI think you might be engaged in the wrong type of project then