
  1. Noinfogiven

    joining plastics together/filling holes?

    I am making a wii laptop with the original wii case and i am looking to cover up the GC controller holes and the memory port in the case. I am thinking of cutting little plastic circles to put in, but i do not know what product to use to join them. i was looking at plastic putty, but i honestly...
  2. Fruity_Grebbles

    Worklog Wii Touchscreen

    Howdy Y'all. Been lurking around the community since the beginning of modretro, but what with the return of ShockSlayer and the OMGWTF trim I figured it was actually time for me to make some stuff. So here's my idea: Wii portables work great for games that will take button or joystick input...
  3. CommanderBrace

    wii mote piggyback?

    Hi guys, so I saw on some early posts that the Wii uses regulators to cut down the 12v source into a variety of different voltages for the internal components. One of these was 3.3v and that seems like it would be enough to operate a wii mote. Does anyone have any evidence suggesting that it...
  4. Question Screen for wii laptop?

    I have a old dell latitude d630 that has a working screen and a good battery. Is there any way that i can use the screen from it on my wii laptop. If so i can i also use the battery if not what would be a good battery for a wii laptop. Thank you
  5. trevor403

    Worklog radicalplants' Unnamed Wii Portable

    radicalplants' Unnamed Wii Portable This portable is going to built off a modular pin header system that will allow multiple different interfaces to be used with the same module which will consist of the main Wii board only. It shouldn't take more than a VGA 20 pin header to achieve...
  6. BitBuiltBot

    The Definitive Wii Trimming Guide

    The Definitive Wii Trimming Guide Preface Before proceeding further, you must first determine your board revision. Please use the Revision Identification Guide. This guide is primarily designed to be used with CPU-40 boards and higher. If your Wii is a 6-layer board, you will require the...
  7. ShockSlayer

    Board scan Wii RVK-01 Compendium (Released!)

    ...a massive undertaking using modern technology to bring forth a new era of portablizing. - Wii RVK-01 Compendium.pdn']Download - Full size Paint.net Download - Resized Paint.net - Wii RVK-01 Compendium.xcf']Download - Full size GIMP Download - Resized GIMP Get Paint.NET Get GIMP The basic...