If you are planning on using some kind of battery holder then you can get one of the button or flat top ones, but if you plan to solder wires directly to the batteries you should get the ones with solder tabs
At least one of them is most likely a 4 layer, but Ginger is right that you'll probably want to look for a different listing, perhaps one that has a black wii, since those are guaranteed to be 4 layer.You'll want a 4 layer Wii, the eBay link is 3 6 layers
https://bitbuilt.net/forums/index.php?threads/revision-identification-guide.863/Are the RVL-101s 4 layers???
Do SDXC cards work, or do I need just a plain Micro SD cardThat particular one may have issues since it's a SDHC
Just google "4gb SD card", or do the same on ebay.Thanks!!! EDIT: I've been looking for a bit now, and I can't for the life of me find the right card! Can anyone help me please???
The second link is the right kind of SD card, but that one costs way too much.Would this one work for a SD Card??? https://www.ebay.com/itm/SanDisk-4G...335165?hash=item3d8c44f7bd:g:YmgAAOSwJppc83S3 EDIT: I just remembered that I'm doing this on the untrimmed Wii, so would this one possibly work??? https://www.amazon.com/SanDisk-SDHC-Memory-Card-Class/dp/B00BGYQZPI/ref=sr_1_2?crid=3MRGN8LHY86R4&dchild=1&keywords=4gb+sd+card&qid=1588545884&refinements=p_89:SanDisk&rnid=2528832011&sprefix=4gb+,aps,212&sr=8-2
Can you link me to where I can get one because I don't know how to dissect a GC controller, and I don't know if there's a thread for doing this.For the buttons you'll need actual switches to use them (which I didn't see in the list), and you only need one tact switch per trigger so don't buy two pairs, you only need to order it once (since it already comes with two switches)
Quick question, does this mean like the button switches and all that jazz? If so, can you please link me to where I can get some, because I don't know how to dissect a GC controllercontrol components you use