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No emulation, real hardware
Staff member
Feb 5, 2016
MGC, Wisconsin, USA
MGC already came and went. 2-3 days of hanging out with your portabilizing bros, drinking, eating, and modding.


Wide shot of our room this year after the event closed down

BitBuilt after dark ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

My psychologist: "Mega Gameboy Advanced can't hurt you"
Mega Gameboy Advanced:

This Initial D arcade cab was actually really fun.

We did this. WE CAUSED THIS.


In terms of projects that were on display... new this year



Kamp's land


This nylon G-Boy was supposed to be our project for the weekend. We started late Saturday and didn't finish.


Sep 3, 2020
MGC was an absolute blast this year! After meeting up at the hotel room, me and the guys went to a gaming room populated with arcade cabinets as far as the eye could see! Despite this, one game managed to hold everybody's attention for longer than any other... The crane game!!! It held people's attention so well that getting a good shot of it proved almost impossible!


Eventually we decided it was best to have a proper dinner and not fill up on candy all night. After finishing dinner, we set our room up and put our portables all on display!



It lives...

On day two things got really wild! And our room saw more traffic than ever before! These three pics were all taken within the same minute...
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crowd 2.png
crowd 3.png

Needless to say, we all needed a break from our posts at some point, so what better way to relax than watch two guys fake wrestle in a ring that took up much needed vendor hall space?


After a nice "relaxing" trip to the vendor hall, I hung out with cheese and took a picture of him taking a picture of Shank and a fan of his. We also caught StonedEdge's Retro Lite CM4 at 69% after we played a bit of Tetris on it!

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Eventually night had arrived and before we knew it, Riot had already finished yet another original classic work of art...

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The debauchery was only getting started however! After posing for pictures in front of a mega gameboy for like 10 minutes, a newcomer by the name of Goose started playing ocarina with her friend who was playing (what I believe was) a flute.

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This went on for quite a while. That's not a bad thing however, they were both quite good and even started taking requests after the first few songs!

Before long though, sounds of Mario Kart, Melee, Puyo Puyo Tetris, and Tetris Attack soon began to fill the room!

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By the time the night was over, Gman had had so much to drink, he thought EVERY object in the room was a portable and was trying to play it! We managed to drag him back to his hotel room though and when morning had arrived, he didn't remember a thing...


Thank you all for another wonderful MGC! This year really went hard and I'm looking forward to meeting with you all again next year!



First Wii U Trimmer
Jun 7, 2016
South Florida
This was my first MGC, and it was super fun!

My flight left eaaarly in the morning. Rough day of traveling for this night owl! But it was all worth it once I saw the infamous "Recombobulation Area" at MKE.

Sweet view of the skywalk from my hotel window!

Like cy mentioned, on Friday we all checked out the gaming hall. So many pinball tables!! This homebrew table's guts happened to be on display.

The Legendary Axe TG16

Vendor hall was a bit of a bust for me, sadly... I didn't see Emit Vol. 3 or Metal Slader Glory. RH Fever was enticing, but too rich for my blood.

Back in the BB room, @CrazyGadget regaled Ben Heck with tales of 1Chip Atari chip trimming. (He seemed equally impressed and horrified lol.) Cameo appearance by the PSTriple booster seat

@Dmcke5 and @StonedEdge 's Retro Lite CM4 was a big hit. Here's Ryan from Castlemania Games (left), Postman, and Shank checking it out. Between Wesk's builds and the Retro Lite, I'd say the Australia and Japan BB communities were well-represented!

Random candid of Saturday activities

This neato Nintendo Gateway System card cropped up. It has three 2chip SNES's on it (only 2 were populated) and was used for in-flight entertainment!

Apparently the Cube Boy died a grisly death recently. The creator explained that he "threw it on the floor" during a frustrating repair session. o.O

I was super stoked to see people enjoying my UItraWii Sakura. This fella's shirt matched its aesthetic very well! It started acting up on Saturday afternoon, but it turned out the battery was just very low. After charging overnight, it was back to normal on Sunday! It also survived being button mashed and dropped by some kids. W in my book.

On Saturday night I enjoyed a variety of N64 games with Y2K and the gang, and crispy 960i Melee with Shank, Xarnithor, and Cy. Tbh, I didn't really believe the rumors about 960i, but after seeing it firsthand I can attest that it does look absurdly good.

MGC was a blast! It was incredible to meet everyone in person. Can't wait to do it again in the future.


2 and a Half Dollarydoos
Staff member
Feb 5, 2017
Banana Bender Land, Australia
Dammit I need money so I can attend one year
Apr 3, 2023
Too many
Boy howdy this year was a total blast! I can't remember the last time I felt so good. I even partook in the alcohol...and I NEVER drink! lol

Wish I had taken more pictures...oh well. Just enjoying the moment a bit too much I suppose.

I wonder when those pictures of Goose posing with my Mega GBA will get posted up...i need a new wallpaper for my compy hehe.


"The PS1 Guy"
Staff member
Apr 14, 2022
Chicago, IL
Also my first MGC, as well as my first convention, and let me tell you, it was an absolute joy! There was so many cool stuff to check out there, and it was amazing to meet everyone in person!

We'll start with the car ride over, which went pretty quickly once @cy already spent the 5 hours it takes to get from his place to Illinois. Still really appreciate their gesture of coming out of their way to grab me for this awesome event! :D
During the car ride, I got a chance to try out some of cy's Wii portables, and I gotta say they're suuuuper well built! Really makes me want to finish my G-Wii up... :blush:


Eventually we make it to out respective hotels and parted ways until the convention, where I met up with @HackerBilly in the hotel lobby while I was checking in. Apparently he ordered a pizza and it arrived just as I got there. What a coincidence! Once we got up to the room I decided to do a quick check of my luggage just to make sure that nothing got destroyed on the drive over, and thankfully everything was in one piece.


I left most of everything at the hotel until Saturday, since it was gonna be a pain to walk over a 50lb duffel bag back and forth. Grabbed my backpack and we headed off to the convention hall. The walk over wasn't *too* bad, took us roughly 20min to get to the hall by foot from the hotel, so not something we wanted to keep doing continuously. After this we made it an effort to Uber/Lyft over, as it wasn't all that expensive to do.

We finally make it to the convention hall and... man what a line. Thankfully it went by quite quickly, and we did run into @YveltalGriffin while Billy and I had our Steam Decks out waiting, so we were able to pass the time getting our wristbands & badges pretty quickly! By the time we finished, the line was at least twice the size it was when we started, so it's probably a good thing that we got there when we did.


Towards the beginning of the line, we spotted a kid working on boxing up the NES games for VIG ticket holders. Man I wouldn't want to be him, seems like he had a lot of work cut out for him! Hopefully he enjoyed helping out the event though :D


Finally, with out wristbands & badges in hand, we made out way up to the BitBuilt room!


We made it up, met everyone, and started getting the room all set up. Managed to snag a photo of Crash and Cheese setting up the BitBuilt sign, which really tied the whole room together!


Once we were somewhat set up, we all decided to head out to the gaming hall and check out some of the stuff on display! There was a lot of cool stuff to see and try out, but I did manage to find a light gun arcade cabinet that was in non-working order that someone was selling for $100. If i had the capacity to drag that back to my place, I totally would have! I'm hoping it managed to find a decent home regardless...

I didn't take too many pictures of the gaming hall on Friday, but we all joked about doing donuts in the hall on the Tesla that was on display. I also found this homebrew Undertale pinball machine that I thought was pretty neato!

After further shenanigans, we all went back to the room and continued to set-up and hang around. After lots of headaches getting my Dreamcast working on one of the PVMs Shank brought, we finally got Yveltal's MaplePad demo set up and ready to go, plus some light-gun game action if anyone was interested!


That was Friday in a nutshell, after getting abruptly kicked out right at midnight, we all headed back to our hotels to rest up for what would turn out to be an *extremely* busy day.

Next day, me, HackerBilly, and @CrazyGadget roll up to the convention pretty early, so early that Crazy and Billy had to go get someone to open the room for us. Once that was all taken care of, Billy and Crazy went off to galavant at their early access in the vendor hall, while I stayed behind to watch the room and get some more stuff set up. Most importantly, I got the microconsole demo section all set up, including a Noldendo Wii Micro & a GC Micro all hooked up any ready to play! The GC Micro was a HUGE hit with convention goers, and we had a ton of people asking about it and definitely more than a few Melee sessions on it! :XD:


After we were FINALLY all set up, the convention was now open and the people flooded in. The room was PACKED for a good majority of the time! I'm so glad so many people came by and got a chance to see all of our amazing builds! There were plenty of questions to be answered as droves of people rotated through, getting a chance to try out many of the offerings, and asking lots of questions along the way!


I finally did manage to sneak out and get a look at the World of Nintendo exhibit that was right next door, and this was a kiosk nerd's dream! I got lots of good pictures of all the things they had to show, and did get a chance to talk with some of the people running the exhibit. It was probably the highlight of the entire convention for me! I even managed to snag a picture of the Game Boy kiosk with my modded DMG cheese gave me for the Secret Santa! This kiosk is like the holy grail for me, so it might be an understatement to say that I was nerding out a little bit hehe...


Also got a chance to stop by the Gamebox vendor hall booth and talk to Postman for a bit. They brought a lot of great stuff to see! I'll definitely need to build a GBHD at some point...

Lunch came around and one of the people from Free Geek made us all sandwiches! I was super grateful that they did this for us, and it was absolutely delicious! I also loved the Sonic toaster they were using! Makho also let me try out his GBC Pocket that he made a while back, which really makes me want to build my own! I absolutely love this Game Boy Pocket as some of you may already know, so this just hits hard for me! :XD:


I don't have too much more to share, and this post has already gotten absurdly long, so I'll finish this post off with some more stuff I found at the gaming hall. I'm quite the rhythm game enthusiast, so when I saw a Taiko no Tatsujin cabinet running with Green Ver., I absolutely lost my mind. They also had Project Diva, Sound Voltex, Chunithm, and Jubeat *networked*, which was an absolute trip to see at a large convention. I was hoping to find out who was running the servers, but I had no luck there. There was also an incredible collection of cars there, including a DeLorean as a BttF time machine!


We then ended the night off with some great live music by Goose & co., and some great multiplayer game sessions, including 1500CC Mario Kart, some Mario 64 splitscreen, and Tetris. Lots of alcohol flowing that night, was absolutely crazy. >:D

I had an absolute blast. It was so great getting to see and do all these things and meet so many great people! I'm definitely going to make sure to come back next year, and I'll hopefully a little bit more flush on cash so I can peruse the vendor hall more than I actually did. Thanks for making my first time at MGC a memorable one everyone!


Crazy Helpful, CrazyGadget
Jun 6, 2020
Downing's Closet
MGC came and went. Felt like a whole week with how much activity was packed into only 2-3 days! Gunnar and I met up at the airport and shared a flight, and Crash, Cheese and Shank picked us up and headed back to Crash's apartment to kill some time. Shank showed us how epic the Gamecube looks in 960i on a CRT, and we all played Melee (3 of us vs Shank cuz we're noobs):


After enough dilly dallying, we all packed up Crash's car such that we were packed in there like sardines, with luggage sitting both under our legs and on top of our laps. @Gman got to experience the best 45 minutes of his life... Anyway, we eventually made it to MGC and set up the room. I got to rep @Wesk with an Ashida and a GC Micro, as well as @Nold with a Noldendo Miicro :^>


I finally got to see @YveltalGriffin's UltraWii Sakura in person, and it is as glorious as it is in the pictures. The KillMii was also alive this year!


Friday night didn't last all too long, and we all parted ways pretty early. Next morning, as we were all getting ready, my G-Baby (G-Boy plushie I commissioned) took a dive in some syrup, and try as I might to dry him out, he stayed damp almost all of Saturday LMAO


The previous night, I talked to Ben Heck about my Atari 2600 1-chip collection, and he told me a story about how he found one in the vendor hall last year for $50. Well, Saturday morning, I was in the vendor hall, and I found a 1-chip Atari for $50!! It even came with all the hookups and a controller! I also found Scout TF2 in the vendor hall...


Some more pics of our room / displays:


Saturday night was where the real fun was at! We got to close all the doors, bring the chairs around and eat pizza / drink / play video games. I continued to build the G-Boy we had started earlier, but eventually called it before it was done

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Overall, great time with the greatest of homies. Can't wait for next year!
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Crazy Helpful, CrazyGadget
Jun 6, 2020
Downing's Closet
After 5 months of letting it sit in a box with only digital audio wiring left to do, I can finally say that the BB-Boy we started at MGC is finally done! It's a @Wesk remix of the OG G-Boy with a custom screens lens (courtesy of @SparkleBear). I felt it would be more appropriate to post here than make a cutting edge post. I can't wait for our next MGC build!!!
